
Deco Wall

DECO WALL is a decorative solution to give personality to the salon. It can be placed in different compositions

Modular decorative system made of 6 modules in acrylic, wood, and metal with shelf. Available in different graphic variants from artists selected.

Original price was: €132,00.Current price is: €125,00. (IVA ESCLUSA)

- 5%



FUNCTION: DECO WALL is a decorative solution to give personality to the salon. It can be placed in different compositions

MATERIALS: DECO WALL is made up of 6x square modules 30x30cm, 1x in sheet metal with steel shelf painted in anthracite gray epoxy powder, 2x in melamine wood in light oak color, 3 in plexiglass. For colors and finishes or custom prints out of catalog contact by email shop@coideas.it

DESIGN: DECO WALL was designed by Daniela Grandi, the proposed graphics are by the illustrator Barbara Scotti. Was created to give personality and vitality to environments, a creative and design touch with the possibility of choosing between various graphics by illustrators

ASSEMBLY: DECO WALL is shipped in separate modules that can be arranged on the wall as desired

RECYCLABILITY: DECO WALL is disposed of by dividing the metal parts from the wooden and plexiglass parts to place them in the appropriate containers. You want to re-invent the product, don’t throw it away but reinterpret it!

DIMENSIONS 30x30x10 shelf 30x30x0,3 modulesX6

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